Aim & Scope
The 53rd International Scientific Conference on Animal and Veterinary Research is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Animal and Veterinary Research. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Agriculture and rural Economy interactions
- Agriculture-environment interactions
- Air
- Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
- Animal sciences
- Animal transportation
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Antimicrobial use issues in companion animals
- Atmospheric physics and chemistry
- Atmospheric sciences
- Basic and Applied Entomology
- Biology, Physiology and Ecology Of Insects
- Crop sciences
- Disease surveillance, biosecurity and emergency preparedness
- Emergency preparedness considerations for natural disaster(s) and foreign animal disease(s)
- Emerging diseases, e.g. avian influenza, west nile virus, BSE
- Emerging therapeutic products
- Environmental sciences
- Establishment of adequate and achievable biosecurity systems
- Establishment of codes of practice for responsible animal care
- Evolution of Insects
- Fishery sciences
- Forestry sciences
- Humane handling of livestock in animal production systems
- Humane slaughter
- Insects and Environment
- Insects and Plants
- Insects and Public Health
- Insects Classification / Taxonomy
- International harmonization of new drug approval processes
- Judicious use of animal health products
- Mass destruction of animals for disease control
- Meteorology
- Natural resources management sciences
- Pest Management
- Production animal welfare and animal care
- Reproduction And Development Of Insects
- Risks or benefits to agricultural practices that may result from restrictions being placed on antimicrobial use
- Self regulation of farm animal welfare by industry
- Surveillance standards and procedures required to protect international trade
- The humane handling of livestock throughout the food chain
- Veterinary Medicine Issues and Applications