Conference Program:
26 December, 2019
08.00am - 09.00am Registration
09.00am -09.30am Opening Ceremony, Welcome address & Key Note Speakers (Main Hall)
09:30am -10: 30am Parallel Session I ( Rooms)
10.30am-11.00am Morning Tea Break
11.00am-12.30pm Parallel Session II (Rooms)
12.30pm-02.00pm Lunch
02.00pm-03.30pm Parallel Session III (Rooms)
03.30pm-04.00pm Evening Tea Break
04.00pm-05.30pm Parallel Session IV (Rooms)
End of Day One
27 December, 2019
All participants will be free to carry on their own tourism and shopping activities. it is a free day for this purpose.
End of Day Two
End of the program